FINANCE AVAILABLE!! TRADE INS ACCEPTED!! NEW BODY STYLE! LOADED!!! HEATED SEATS!!! BRAKES SERVICED!!! NEWER TIRES!!! The genius of the Outback has always been its ability to straddle classifications. This Subaru comes with a rebuilt title. As such, the Outback competes with family cars, SUVs and, of course, other crossover vehicles. Outback should be affordable enough for families. With better off-road credentials and a more usable luggage compartment, the Outback offers increased versatility over plain Jane family sedans. At the same time, the Subaru Outback offers the kind of fuel economy that most mid-sized SUVs struggle to match. The front windshield is in excellent condition. The engine is functioning properly and has no issues. The transmission shifts very smoothly. The brakes are in great condition. The battery is in excellent condition. The car was previously owned by a non smoker. DONT MISS OUT AND COME CHECK OUT THIS VEHICLE TODAY!
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